A VOLUNTEER who goes ‘above and beyond’ expectations is among this year’s shortlisted nominees for a Proud of Barnsley award.

Eileen Jones, of Royston, has been a volunteer with Macmillan Cancer Support for five years and has given thousands of hours of her own time to help both the charity and people living with cancer in Barnsley.

Eileen, 65, first came on board at the charity as a corporate ambassador and helped to secure corporate meetings for Macmillan. These meetings have helped to generate tens of thousands of pounds to help support the charity’s work.

Eileen’s role has changed over her time being involved with Macmillan, and now one of her many roles involves spending a few days each week sorting out all the collections for the group of volunteers in Barnsley. As volunteers are out collecting up to five times a week across the town, the task is not as simple as it may sound.

It is also said that Eileen does go ‘above and beyond’ for people fighting cancer, as she doesn’t just give out the Macmillan Cancer Care line number, she will make sure the person has every possible source of help and support available. She has even attended medical appointments with people.

Amy Hebdon, fundraising manager for Macmillan Cancer Support, said: “Whatever task we give to Eileen she embraces and delivers exceptional results. She is a really well liked member of the team and has been a key part of helping us grow a group of volunteers in the town.

“Not only does Eileen volunteer on the fundraising side, she’s joined as a member of the focus group for the Macmillan Living With and Beyond Cancer Group where she helps improve cancer care services in Barnsley by speaking of her personal experiences.

“Eileen is a truly brilliant relationship builder and she uses this skill to make sure local groups are connected to the right people.

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“She fully commits and goes the extra mile with every activity she does.

“Eileen is also an extremely kind lady who will help whoever needs her support. I feel we’re extremely lucky to have someone like Eileen in Barnsley. She is an inspirational lady who also motivates others to get involved, and it’s a true honour working with her. I truly believe Eileen has made a huge difference to people affected by cancer in Barnsley.”