GOAT event happening this weekend

The Roman Emperors of Britain

An exuberant comedy about four likely lasses from the Hull fish docks on a day trip to the Races. Out go the hairnets, overalls and wellies as the four ditch work, do themselves up to the nines and head off to Royal Ascot the day it relocates to York. Wombwell Thespians perform at the Playhouse theatre, Park st, Wombwell. Tickets available at www.ticketsource.co.uk/wombwellthespians....or by calling 07763986722

Wax on wax off
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Blue Sky Drive In Cinema Returns to Barnsley
Watch family favourites to blockbuster classics from the comfort of your own car.
Full Film Schedule:
22/4/2021 - Men in Black 6pm // Fight Club 9pm
23/4/2021 - The Greatest Showman 6pm // Bridget Jones's Diary 9pm
24/4/2021 - Up 5pm //...

Whiston dodgers from the outback loving life complex dishes
After Ginger and Rocky get into an argument, Rocky holds...

Gogglebox Costers For Sale
The film stars the voices of Julia Sawalha, Mel Gibson, Tony Haygarth, Miranda Richardson, Phil Daniels, Lynn Ferguson, Timothy Spall, Imelda Staunton, and Benjamin Whitrow. Set...
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