TAKE a bow Harvey Levi. This English bull terrier is lapping up the limelight after making his acting debut at Birdwell Academy Theatre.
The seven-and-a-half year old stole the show when he played Bulls Eye, the dog owned by vicious murderer Bill Sikes in the musical Oliver!
Harvey Levi's owners Adrian Ball, 45, and Marie Townend, 42, said their pet trod the boards for five days.
Harvey Levi, who has had no previous acting experience, clinched the role after making friends with children in the cast at rehearsals.
Marie, who runs Low Valley Snack Bar in Wombwell, took Harvey Levi to the theatre every night for the show's run.
Adrian, who works at Pilkington's in Tankersley, said: "The breed sometimes has a reputation for being a bit nasty but Harvey is too laid back. His main interests are eating, sleeping and going on long walks."
Adrian and Marie, of Grove Street, Worsbrough Dale, put their pet forward for the acting job after the theatre appealed for a bull terrier in The Chronicle.