A COMMITTEE of disability activists raising funds for a unique festival to come to Barnsley have been nominated for a Proud of Barnsley award.

No Limits Disability Festival will be held in the town and across the borough from July 4-12.

The aim is to celebrate people who have disabilities and what they can bring to the community.

Jules Horsler is the secretary of the committee - called the No Limits Disability Festival Steering Group - and said that Barnsley is a ‘great place’ and is ‘very welcoming to people with disabilities’.

He has taken this idea and along with others, said he wants to showcase ‘how great Barnsley is for people who are disabled’ and what disabled people bring to the town.

Jules, 48, who works for Barnsley Council, lives in Holmfirth, but believes Barnsley is the perfect place to host the week-long event, explaining: “I am involved on a disability forum called My Barnsley Too. The idea of the festival goes back a couple of years when there was a mini festival which went well.

“Disabled people often feel like they are not taken seriously. It isn’t often we are seen for the things we do every day.

“Barnsley is a great place but there is a high level of disability here. We thought we should hold a festival to celebrate the contributions of disabled people in the town.”

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Jules, who is a wheelchair user and has multiple sclerosis, said every time he goes into town he is always helped out by local residents.

“That’s why we need to hold it here,” he added. “It will do so well.”

The steering group are trying to raise £80,000 to fund the week-long festival, which will not only take place in Barnsley town centre but in the surrounding areas.


To help raise funds for the event, there have been a variety of events happening.

Committee members organised sponsored walks across two weekends, with 39 disabled young people and support staff walking around Locke Park on the first weekend of June, 54 people walking from Penistone to Dunford Bridge and back along the Trans Pennine Trail the week after and 42 people walking from the RSPB Old Moor to Worsbrough Mill or doing a lap of the reservoir.

People of all ages and with or without disabilities joined in the walks to help raise funds, and with sponsorship money still coming through, the


committee believe they will raise more than £3,000 altogether.

Search for No Limits Disability Festival on Facebook for more information or to get in touch with the committee.